Example Sentences Verbs , Adjectives and Nouns
1. Kata Kerja (Verb)
- - I accept
the praise from her.
- - She added
a little sugar to her coffee.
- She admires me because of my maturity.2. Kata Sifat (Adjective)
- - Beno thought the candy tastes very
extremely sweet.
- - The very big mouse jumped into the bed.
- - You
look so pale if you wear that dress.
3. Kata Benda (Nouns)
1. Common Nouns
Car | Mobil |
Motorcycle | Sepeda motor |
Truck | Mobil truk |
Bicycle | Sepeda |
Cell phone | Telepon selular |
Television | Televisi |
Book | Buku |
Bread | Roti tawar |
2. Proper Noun
Michael | Nama seseorang |
New York | Nama sebuah kota |
Asia | Nama sebuah benua |
Dog | Nama seekor hewan |
Ball point | Nama sebuah alat tulis |
T shirt | Nama jenis pakaian |
Indonesia | Nama sebuah Negara |
3. Colective Noun
Jury | Dewan juri |
Team | Tim |
Cabinet of minister | Kabinet menteri |
Choir | Paduan suara |
Regiment | Resimen |
4. Abstract Noun
Happiness | Happiness becomes main goal | Budi | Budi buys new bicycle |
Sadness | Sadness gives bad effect | Car | The car is Ferrari |
Statement | Her statement is very brave | Book | The book is about psychology |
Agreement | The agreement is very good | Computer | The best computer is your brain |